The Lecture of Korean Language

2004-09-01     The UOS Times
It was not so difficult to find the CEC, which is located at the center of Gwanghwamun, the heart of the Seoul. The classroom on the 4th floor of the Donghwa building was warm with the passion for learning. Many desks were arranged in a row, and there were a beam projector and a screen, too.

At the wall side, there was hung a blackboard, and a computer on lecturer’s desk. It seemed the place was generally clean and equipped well for students’ better understanding. From 7 o’clock, students began to enter one by one. The class started with free talks about what had happened last week.

The topics of their conversation were varied including stories about things bought at the supermarket or a trip to Sukmodo for celebrating the 10th wedding anniversary. Most of the students were Chinese, but their ages and occupations were diverse from Buddhist priest to salary man and housewife. Just like their diversification of their jobs, their level of Korean language capability was also diverse.