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There is a saying, “Habit is a second nature,” and “What is learned in the cradle is carried to the tomb.” These proverbs mean whether it is a good habit or bad one, it is hard to get rid of one’s habit. Therefore, it is important to have healthy habits and to try to maintain those habits in our daily lives. For that reason, many people make their new year’s resolution as “making healthy habits” such as working out regularly or eating junk food less. As time goes by, a lot of people might start to forget their new year’s resolution. At this time of a year, The UOS Times would like to share how to keep one’s resolution and make healthy habits, based on a reporter’s experience. 

One way to set a desirable habit is using a “one month tracker.” It is also called a “habit tracker.” It is not hard to use, first, you have to set a goal and set a reward for it. For example, one can set a goal as working out everyday at least 20 minutes, and if one did work out two-third of a month, one can get a new iPad as a reward. Next step is simple, you just put a sticker on the day you perform your goal behavior. As a reporter's personal review, it is easy to follow because the bear-shaped sticker is cute enough to put everyday. Moreover, after one month, one can be proud of oneself, watching those stickers put on everyday. It is also good to raise another habit for another month, since it is quite a short-term self project. The UOS Times hopes that our readers have a healthy habit to make life healthy,, and make their resolutions come true.

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